The Benefits of Coaching

The Benefits of Coaching


The Benefits of Coaching.

You need to know what the benefits of coaching are and will be when you work with me in our coaching sessions.  But also the benefits of coaching need to be seen as an investment in YOU and that you deserve to have this invest – and these are the reasons why.

  • Increase your self – confidence
  • Gives you more motivation
  • Makes you more self – awareness and understanding
  • Gives you more clarity in making decisions, choices and judging situations
  • Allows you to have a more fulfilling life/work balance
  • Allows you to work on expanding your horizons
  • Supports you in lessening your stress
  • Gives you better skills for better communication skills
  • Supports you gaining better relationships
  • Supports you gain better health and well-being routines eg diet, exercise.
  • You feel supported and not alone as you work to achieve your goals
  • It gives you time to reflect on what is important to you and who you really aspire to be.



When you work with a coach – working as a coach in the way that I do with SLJ Coaching & Training Associates – you can focus on what is really important to you and start to look to shape your life to be more in line with your values. Working with me will provide you an effective structure to support you moving forward in significant areas of your life, including career, your business, personal growth, relationships, family, friends, health, education, work, spirituality, fun and recreation, and your physical environment.


When you work with me as a coach – I support and encourage you to be and take responsibility for the results you generate, ultimately you as everyone is responsible for your own life and the results they get.


When we work in this way and take responsibility for your own life, we have power and influence over it. We can then appreciate our own influence in situations and that we can choose between different possibilities.


When you work with me in this way it works, coaching works, because you are making the commitment to invest in yourself, with focused support to help you find clarity, self confidence and the motivation to continue and overcome barriers. Often we don`t really take the time to work out where we are going, what our lives are about, and what our values and goals are.

If you do not know what you are doing, or want to go, you are unable to focus or have ineffective habits that you are not fully aware of and that will hold us back.

dreams and reality

Very often, we unconsciously or consciously resist change, because its easier and more comfortable to stay the way you are, even if it not what you truly want.

Working with me as a Coach helps you to overcome these barriers and make the changes you want, to step out of your comfort zone and test the waters of the stretch zone in a supportive and safe environment.


I empower and aspire you in my coaching for you to find your passion, your purpose and fulfil your full potential in your life and all the avenues of your life.


Sharon Jardine

Coach & Mentor

New Year New You New Start – Your State of Mind


New Year New You New Start

Your State of Mind

Start the New You Now – sharing this link to not just Dr Wayne W Dyer but also the link to the website for the free 7 day programme of being able to listen to interviews, online films and articles.

Start the New You Now is available all weekend – all 7 days of conversations, yoga and the 7 movies are all available free starting right now – if you missed any of the life changing conversations or the movies this is your chance. I highly recommend My Greatest Teacher the movie on day 5 and The Shift movie on Day 6. If you have time I would also listen to Christiane Northrup’s interview on day 1.

enjoy the weekend – here is the link

If you have been listening and watching during the week please let others know what you think they should watch or listen to.”

Why not over this weekend take the time to look into it all. You will be so pleased that you have done so and I know you will all get so much more from it all.

Even if you are not full immersed in it all – you will take some thing away from it that will ultimately help you make your life better.

Your State of Mind – is all important in this all

Coaching that I do at SLJ Coaching and Training Associates uses many many techniques and approaches that help support your transitions in life, evaluate where you are currently to where you want to be or go ultimately in your personal and also your business.Looking at were the blocks and hurdles are and supporting you in finding you your solutions to those for ultimate success in your goals for life. I work with you on goal setting, getting the priorities right for you, setting them and then setting out your journey or development plan of how to go about going and achieving those goals.

I work with you on your State of Mind – looking at the New You and how those transformations can spill over into your personal life obviously and also your business life – as your whole approach to things will change.

Remember – what you put out there is what you get back – eg I sometimes feel overwhelmed with not enough hours in the day to do what I want to do – what happens = I never have enough hours in the day to do what I want to do and get frustrated and more and more overwhelmed.

What am I doing now? Shift in thoughts – Looking at my State of MInd – I plan what I need to do – breaking it down into smaller daily jobs in a more thoughtful way in order of priority and I allocate them the time I am able to – I started this only very recently in all areas personal and business and I feel now – instead of waking up and going omg I have too much to do today and not enough time. I wake up and go – ok I have 3 jobs that are needed to be done today – I will do them then and then tick them off the list, if they get finished then great if not then they are top priority list for tomorrow. My feelings of being overwhelmed are reduced and I feel more in control of what I can do and I am doing – and slowly but surely I am doing more as completing tasks rather than being overwhelmed and panicking and doing nothing as previously felt like a rabbit in the headlights stunned into being frozen.

If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place. -Lao Tzu = Your State of Mind

How wonderful are these words and for all of us so very true in our modern times from way back then – If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place – for me this has been the journey that I am walking on right this moment and have been journeying towards for some time – slowly but surely the pieces are falling into place as I am getting myself `correct in my mind` and now know that as that happens ` the rest of my life is falling into place`.


Small Daily Improvements are the key to staggering long term results – they are in deed very profound words – but often we start (as I have done so many times) in a rush of enthusiasm – lose weight, new business, new projects, decluttering , business adventures – and the list goes on – and then in days or even weeks its set to the side or you give up in frustration and feeling of being overwhelmed and disappointed – as it is not going the way you wanted or at the pace you need etc etc etc.

I often used to say – the Time is not right – what I was waiting for was often the Perfect time to do something – or if the project, idea or something that I was doing did not work out immediately in the perfect way that I planned – it was therefore a failure and stop – then panic and get upset, annoyed, overwhelmed, anxious and more and more frustrated – what I am now realising more and more in my work, my life and my business – is that there is no perfect time – my state of mind was that I wanted Perfectionism – and becasue nothing is ever that perfect or runs that smoothly ( we all wish) then I thought it was a failure and that I had failed – my State of Mind needed fixing.

Now I Think differently and therefore ACT differently – I am now making and have made huge changes in my thought processes, my thinking and this is truly being reflected in my personal and business life – I am ok now with it all and not waiting until the Time is Right – I am doing it Right Now and changing daily.

To keep progressing, you must learn, commit and do – learn, commit and do, and learn, commit, and do it all over and over again – Stephen R. Covey

Make those small daily improvements, change your thoughts, change your state of mind, learn how to do that, commit to doing that and keep doing them over and over again on a daily basis. Learn and commit to becoming in a New Year New You New Start.

Thank you for indulging me in my blogging – as I am learning along with you all also and for that I genuinely appreciate your time, patience and support. x Sharon x

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Are you ready to change challenge? Day 4

1186139_10151627081873460_1746621977_nAre you ready to change challenge? Day 4

Over previous few days been asking you to really look hard at yourself and WHY you do and WHY you think as you do – previous self limiting beliefs and conditioning from your past is so too often the reason why people are not successful or happy with what or how they do things.

Are you ready to change challenge? Day 4 – is all about putting that all behind you – I know as said in previously blogs this is only a small part a small fraction of the work that I do with you in a coaching session and set up but it gives you the flavours of what you can do – either through looking at your own journey to change or your own journey of change – reading booking of Life Coaching or other self made people – people of success and finding out what they did – especially if they have originally come from similar backgrounds to yourself.  Often the biggest obstacle to success, happiness and your future is YOU – no one else just You – resolve the issues of the past, let them go, move on and rewrite what it is you really want – who you really want to be, set your goals and go for it.  I have already pointed you in the direction of an Author who I have read and loved her approach, work and ethos.

Are you ready to change challenge? Day 4 is about embedding good habits into your daily routine and day – do you know about Affirmations – mediation time – well every morning and every night I want you to start doing some Affirmations – you can do them to a mirror, when in bed, before go to bed or get up in the morning, out loud or silently to yourself.  BUT do them!

ready to change - positive thoughts

Just one positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.

Here are some affirmations you can use, or make up your own – but use only positive words and language! After all, you have been using negative affirmations for years – you need to practice now the positive ones to affirm the new you, new image and new start.

Write them in your journal or print them out and pin them where you can see them every day.

*  I like myself

*  I now take responsibility for making my life work

*  My future is full of interesting surprises and wonderful opportunities

*  I am good enough

*  I now know I deserve to have more fun, laughter, money and success

*  I approve of myself completely, including in the presence of others

*  I now choose to like and trust myself and to treat myself with the utmost respect

Repeat them daily – change your self talk to yourself – respect yourself in this new you, new image and new start to care about you and that means to respect yourself – and believe in yourself 100% that you will be and can be successful – remember I asked you for 4 things and self belief and self discipline were 2 of them – this is were the self discipline comes in big time – repeat daily and especially over 30 + days and journal the difference it can make over the coming month or 2 – seriously you will be surprised by the simple but big difference it can make.

Are you ready to change challenge? Day 4 is about “for me” – you showing yourself the respect you need to begin your transformation – metaphorically of course, but hey I am not stopping anyone from making other changes in themselves if that is what you want to do – go for it – I believe in you and trust you 100% to know what your changes need to be and how much you want them.

On my journey I have been making big huge changes – physically, emotionally and psychologically – all have contributed to massive changes happening then all around me within my personal life, family life and business life – I am not perfect nor ever would claim to be – but you know what I have stopped punishing myself, putting myself down (still have to remind that inner voice to stop being critical but getting there) and believing in myself that I have the self discipline and self reliance and resources to be successful in everything that I do – as I do and I can.


Are you ready to change challenge? Day 4 –  Well are you?  Are you really ready to change?

are you ready to change?I trust that you are and motivated to really get stuck in – keep your journal, contact me for 1:1 sessions or email/phone coaching details also.

Taking these 7 steps – 1 each day is the start – start to change and enjoy the transformation and enjoy becoming the successful, happy and motivated person that you want to be and can be – respect yourself to be able to do it.



Are you ready to change challenge – day 3

Are you ready to change challenge – day 3

Well yesterday was a tough day as I asked you to challenge yourself and ask yourself some tough questions –  asking questions about our limiting beliefs is about getting to the root cause of why sometimes we are stopped in our tracks in achieving all that we want – we sabotage ourselves and enforce our negative inner voice/ self talk and therefore feel we fail or do not succeed because we ultimately have been conditioned to from our past.


  Are you ready to change – the challenge for day 3 – New you new image new start

You now have some insights on how you operate as a person – you have written out and recognised those beliefs that you have about yourself and those that have been told to you repeatedly over the past years from childhood or even later in adulthood.  But why are you allowing these damaging and controlling beliefs to influence you – now we need to get you working on a new you – not a total change (no personality transplants or anything like that – keeping all the good and lovely things that are you and contribute to you being a unique and individual person) but getting rid of the bad belief systems that you have been conditioned to hearing and believing about yourself for years.

Are you ready to change challenge – day 3 – new you new image new start

This is only a short and brief view into the world of coaching and the coaching process – this is what it is all about – it can be fast, challenging and demanding – I demand a lot from my clients afterall thats what it is all about – making positive and progressive changes – challenging the old ways of doing things and looking for the new ways and solutions to resolving problems – I believe in you that you can do it, make the changes and grow as a person to becoming a more fulfilled, happier, peaceful and resourceful person.  You are your own key to success – dig deep folks and believe me you have it all there – we just need to get the tweaking and tuning right and then off you go and begin to really live the life you truly want to live – both personally and in business – thats the power of coaching.

So Are you ready to change challenge – day 3  is now to work on you – the new you the new image and new start – and we have not even begun to look at the future processes of goal setting or goals for your future or anything – working on you is the start of the journey and what an exciting journey it is going to be and is already.

Are you ready to change challenge – day 3 – Yes I hear you shout – well ok shout it louder and lets begin.

Day 3 – Journal exercise; Complete the following statements………..

a.  The person I am choosing to be from this day on is someone who is ………..

b.  The qualities I most want to emphasise and enjoy in myself are………..

When finished Write this out somewhere – either in the journal or on a separate piece of paper sign and date it – even start a mood board – cork board and cut out inspirational sayings, things you want to work for, photos of self of weight and image you want to achieve (be real as well do not set yourself up to fail).  I have one in my study for each of my businesses and personal one – I have photos of types of villa want to buy when retire – goal and target, what I want for next car, I have printed out date and weight I want to be by christmas and then next year etc ) helps in visualising what I would like both in material terms and also saying that inspire me and things I want to aspire to re short, medium and long term goals in my life and businesses.


“I am now ready to give life to this new image of myself, from this day forth.  I commit to reinforcing these qualities until they are a deeply ingrained part of who I am and who I am seen to be.”

Print this out and put it in a prominent position for you to read and see often. Now from today onwards your behaviour, choices and decisions you want to make sure they fit this description of you.  When you are faced with a choice or a decision ask yourself – What is the answer, given the person I am now? I will also recommend a book to read now also – as I have found of all the books I have read recently has really resonated a lot with me personally.

Read Fiona Harrolds books and check out for yourself how powerful a world coaching can be both for yourself and your business – her books are excellent to read and easy starting points for your journey into becoming a new you and having a new start.


Enjoy and have fun – remember this is the start of an exciting journey of self discovery into the new you that you want to be – this new you and new start will be being as unique as you were before but becoming more successful and achieving more of the life that you want to have rather than been told you should have – work on you as starting point and everything will eventually fall into place.

Good luck and lets look forward to Day 4 of the challenge.


Are you ready to change challenge – Day 2

Are you ready to change challenge – Day 2

Yesterday I asked you to answer 2 questions;

Who do you think you are? and Who do you need to think you are to have the life you want?

Why did I ask these 2 questions?  Because we need to start with understanding of ourselves and how we see ourselves and especially how you see yourself.

Are you ready to change challenge today is about our own Self belief in ourselves, challenging the self limiting beliefs that we have of ourself, our abilities, talents, business ability and right to be successful or even happy with our life, our selves and what we do or who we are.

Self belief - it starts hereWe need to believe in ourselves (in yourself) 100%, when you view yourself as being worthy of everything good that you can do or create for yourself and regard yourself as worthy of only the best – then you begin to create a world around you that is positive,successful and happy because basically anything becomes possible.  I am not talking about money or finances here – I am talking about living a life that you deserve – happiness, peaceful, financial freedom (it will come if you focus on working on it positively and productively), successful and worthy of deserving all these things.  We need to focus on our good qualities and our strengths but all too often we find ourselves being negative, focusing on our bad qualities, using negative self talk, focusing on our weaknesses and surrounding ourselves with those people who just back all of that up – after all its easier to do that – and many of our own self limiting beliefs from our childhood and past also back that up too – I am not worthy, I do not deserve being happy, successful, financial freedom, its too hard to work that hard, its too much for me, I can not lose this weight, I am not that smart – oh its always me – poor me poor me poor me blah blah blah blah – we allow our inner self talk and our past dictate who we are and what we are doing now, and what we want to do in the future.  Hence we form the `bad` habits of not believing in ourselves and now working on ourselves and making ourselves personally or in business successful – first small defeat or failure – give up and tick the box of more evidence of why we are not worthy of success or happiness.

STOP IT NOW – are you ready for the change challenge?

You said you were ready to commit – you said you are ready for the change challenge – you agreed to the 4 things I asked of you.

Motivation, Self Belief, Self Discipline and Willingness to Challenge yourself.

So do it now – from yesterdays questions put your past behind and focus only on the future – we have been working on being positive, using positive language, being around positive people living positive no matter where.  I know its not easy but start forming the good habits for yourself now for your future – small steps become huge steps and great movements forward – and are the format for making long term habits for successful lives and successful living.

Are you ready to change? – challenge then your self limiting beliefs, let go of the past that is holding you back, silence your negative self talk/ inner voice –  Believe in you 100% 

success starts with self beliefAre you ready to change challenge – start today Believe in yourself – believe you are worthy, deserving and that you can and will be successful and that you will achieve that person you need to be to have the life you want.  Otherwise you will continue to stay in exactly the same place you are now and have exactly the  same results you have now – you are reading this blog and following this challenge for a reason – go on you have nothing to lose and all to gain.

Are you ready to change challenge – You have the motivation now as committed to change – you are now starting that journey of self belief and believing in yourself 100% that you can do it. Now have the discipline to keep on that track over these last 5 days and have the willingness to challenge yourself – start making the changes towards having the life that you want – personal or business.

 Day 2 – Journal – write in this your responses to these statements;

The limiting beliefs I hold about myself are……………………….

The 3 limiting beliefs that hold me back most of all are……………………

From these responses to these statements you now have all the information you need about the most damaging and restrictive ways in which you see yourself. These last 3 main ones show you how powerful their influences have over your life – lets look at changing those beliefs and no longer let your past conditioning influence your life any longer.

1 more for today please if that is ok – I ask you 1 more exercise to do – then tomorrow we are going to move onwards – to leaving them behind and moving on to the new you and leaving them all behind in the past.

Write down in your journal

The cost to me, in my life, of my limiting beliefs is……. (write down 5, no more than 10)

This can be difficult and upsetting – but do not dwell on this long – write them down recognise them for what they are but dwell no longer than necessary acknowledge them and then let go of them.

Are you ready to change challenge – it is now time to let go of the past and begin building your future – tomorrow onwards.

Good luck, have fun with this and enjoy.




Day 1 – Are you ready to change Challenge?

Day 1 – Are you ready to change Challenge?

Day 1 of the challenge is to find out if you are ready to commit to the challenge of change.  Are you ready to have a week of challenges to give you a little insight in to coaching and also about how to go about moving towards the life you really want.

Coaching moves people forward, fast and easily – so lets start on the journey of change and of you reaching your full and true potential.

Ok – becoming ready for change is about committing to the process of looking at where you are now and what or where you want to be in the future.  This is only a short 7 day challenge but together during this change challenge  we will look at your life together and I will ask you to be tough on yourself as I want you to commit to action, not talk or excuses but action – become a can do approach rather than `I can`t do that , or I am not able to do that, not yet, not now, maybe later.` Not good enough – if you follow this (its only 7 days and I am asking a small committment here really in the scheme of life of things) make it work for you – what have you got to lose?

Are you ready to change challenge 

1.  Looking at focusing on the here, now and the future – making small steps making small changes – progression forward – always forward

2.  Looking at whats working and what is not and being honest in this with your self.

If its yes to all above.

Then lets make a contract to work with one another for 1 wekk – 7days – let commit to being ready or becoming ready to change.

My committment to you

I will commit to working with you – asking questions and giving direction and challenge.  That I believe in your full potential to do all you can and I believe in you 100% with no judgements and I will bring 100% of myself to you in this 7 day journey.

Your committment to – being ready to change challenge

What I need from you are 4 things;

*Motivation:  vital – you have to want change, you have to be prepared to work at change – if you are willing to do something then your motivation should be high and you are ready to do what changes are needed.

*Self – Belief:  Here is how you believe in yourself deep inside – are you worthy or deserving of good things ie what good things your changes bring to you you accept and enjoy them. Otherwise you will sabotage yourself and your work to keep you from changing and back in your old ways of thinking and believing in yourself – do not under estimate the power of your inner voice for good and not so good in our lives.  Your self-belief might not be brilliant at the moment but we will work on that.

*Self-discipline:    vital – because when the going gets tough it is your self discipline that keeps you moving forward.  Change brings sometimes discomfort and it is on those days when tired, feeling low or feeling not progressing or disillusioned that you need this to kick in to keep you going – this your friend indeed and one many need to keep working on.

and finally

*Willingness to challenge:  being ready to challenge yourself, all you know about yourself and the world you have known around you all your life. To create new ways of thinking and being and open yourself to new possibilities for yourself, both in your personal and business life.


So – are you ready for  change challenge

This is only 7 days but you will be surprised how far you can travel in 7 days – start laying your foundation stones or blocks for changing to your ideal life or ideal business life – are you ready to take up the challenge!

Begin a Journal with

Day 1 – Ready to change Challenge – and begin by looking at these few questions. Write your answers in your journal – do it intuitively ie do not think about it too long – just write them and do not be afraid of what you write to either of the questions – trust yourself – never be afraid to have dreams or aspirations – but be honest with yourself – only you will see.

Who do you think you are?

Who do you NEED to think you are to have the life you want?

To start we need to know where we are and then to also know where we are wanting to go – and its the same with ourselves.

Good luck and have fun with this all over the next 7 days – thank you for taking part and I look forward hearing back from you on how your challenge is going.


Life is a Celebration

Life is a Celebration

One of the major important things that we often forget to do in our lives is celebrate.

In the quest for positivity and changing my life I have begun to make small changes by celebrating life – celebrating successes small or large – often daily. Not with big parties and big showy stuff but just by acknowledging them and saying in many cases `well done` to myself, my family, my friends and to those clients and business partners I work with. Wow what a difference it makes.

Life is a celebration – and it should be – coaching for me has made me learn how to and what to celebrate and enjoy from life – both on a personal and a professional business point of view.

Life is a celebration – and it should be – we often carry around with us Life Scripts from our past and it often these that are in many cases very negative for us – placing the seeds of doubt, telling us we are `not good enough` to deserve to be successful (in whatever format that might be its not always about financial success).

Life is a celebration – and it should be – after all what is there not to celebrate – in many cases many other people would love to have what many of us have – its about re framing our thinking, re looking at things and wondering and pondering and then finding solutions rather than finding problems.

So lets together Live Life and enjoy life and celebrate life, in all its glory – and hey without the bad things or times we can not really always then appreciate the good – no one ever said Life was a bed of roses but you can always make it better – getting into the right frame of mind is what is important. And this goes for being in business as well – having the right business mindset, thinking sometimes outside of the `box` is important and maybe even vital – so celebrate life with me and remember

Celebrate all successes no matter how small or large and Celebrate Life.

Celebration Quotes, Pictures, Life Quotes, Happiness Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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