What do I need a Coach for?
Indeed you might well ask that question! How many people actually know or understand what a coach is or even what they do and why they would even want to have one?
So…. Let me try to explain in plain terms – just what I am saying a coach does and what coaching can do for you – either personally in your own life, career or business – at what ever level you operate at.
Do you need a coach?
No – not everyone NEEDS a coach, BUT successful people choose to have a coach often in their personal, career or business lives.
Because it has worked for them as it helps them to work towards and increasingly meet their goals to find more fulfillment in their lives – personally and professionally.
Ask people what it does for them having a coach and all will probably come back with similar answers:
- Keeps me focused and on track,
- Finds the blind spots,
- Makes me feel accountable to myself in what I am doing and direction I am working in.
Sometimes people just need a coach to help them gain knowledge and information that is very specific for their need i.e. a business coach, or performance career coach etc.
Sometimes it’s even to find new resources that they need – and even more so it is often to find out what is STOPPING you from accomplishing or becoming the successful person, getting a job opportunity or business that you want in your life.
Who needs a coach?
Coaching is used often by people who are time restrained – they do not have the time to:
- sit and do courses,
- read up on things,
- research etc and the list goes on
But they are also up to being challenged on what they do and why they do it.
I know in my coaching experience, asking those simple but hard hitting questions are the ones that often just open the road up for development and drive for the client I am working with.
Often I hear people saying to me:
- no I do not need a coach or coaching at the minute
- it’s not really for me
- it’s a waste of money
- I am my own coach.
Did you know that Richard Branson, like many major big business players and owners has on average 5 business coaches and mentors for himself.
Now why would he need them and you do not? What makes it different for him? His coaches are not his every day staff – but hired for what do they do for him:
- Ask hard hitting, challenging and thought provoking questions – the why factor
- Why you doing what you doing? Why you do it like that? What is the pay off for you, your business, your employees, your profit margin, your outcomes, does it link to vision of company, or yourself or where you want to be.
- Keeping you on target, on focus and in line with ultimate goal of where you want you or your business to go.
- Prioritizing your work, looking for the blind spots and asking what changes you are going to make and how going to make them to keep you on target in focus of where you ultimately want to go or where or who you want to be.
- Discuss changes that need to be made – I am a very honest coach in that I say it as it is – I do not give people flannel on what I think they want to hear.
- When people tell me they do not need coaching or a coach and have few or any clients and business not doing well – my response is if you had a coach it would help you find out why you are NOT being a success – then once you on road to success you would only need a coach or coaching if and when need it for getting to next level of success.
- Often the blocks to people becoming successful are themselves. Another blog another issue to cover.
But also what steps need to take place for them to get to end goal or vision or dream – what changes need to happen to them and to their business if it involves their career or business. Sometimes it has nothing to do with their career or business that stops them from being successful but they themselves and their own internal issues.
Coaching is NOT is counselling
Some people do have an illusion coaching is about counselling a person.
It is most definitely not!
I often refer my clients onto counsellors that they can contact outside of my sessions. Coaching is about dealing with here and now, future plans and how to go about doing them and getting the goals, dreams and ambitions that you want.
But sometimes things from the past that shape how we view our lives, think and behave may need to be resolved – but not in a coaching session.
So now you have a bit of an insight into what do you need a coach for?
My last question would be – do you need a coach?
Contact me: sharonjardine@sljassociates.co.uk – head over to my FB page for more information and updates on how coaching can work for you.
Coaching is about lifting you, your career and/or your business up to the next level – doing it as others that are successful entrepreneurs and business people do.
Top athletes, top teams, top anyone has a coach and uses coaching to get them to their goals, ambitions and dreams faster, more direct and with more defined clarity than those that do not.
Making the change to having a coach will have an impact on all areas of your life. You are in control and you lead on the change. All a coach does is help you `see` how and where the opportunity for change can take place.
Are you ready to start seriously striving for success?
That is what you need a coach for! Get in touch!
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