How to create a successful Business?
So you want to create a successful Business?
If only the answer was so simple and straight forward. I have found this the most difficult and thought provoking aspect to the whole process of setting up my own business and running it.
The early days of any business is difficult but crucial:
- business plans,
- funding,
- insurance,
- tax,
- registration as self employed or setting up as Ltd company, CIC or Ltd by Guarantee
Its a nightmare, scary, necessary and there are so many out there offering `free` advice and guidance, courses and set up support. It all becomes a whirl wind and a bit mind blowing!
But the first year passes in a haze – to network or not to network that is the question – what to read first, sign up for this course, sign up for that help and support, call myself small business, entrepreneur or director. The list goes on – and time flys by.
But still the question I will ask is this:
Have you really created a successful business?
- Is it working for you?
- Are you happy about the direction you are going?
- Are you ready for that success?
- Does it look anything like what you thought it would be like?
- What next?
Creating a successful business – what next?`
See now comes more and more questions – but not necessarily the answers to go along side those questions. This is now the phase of no return. Set up and operating is all well and good – but what happens next?
I see all these networking events, business advisors and organisations – let us help you in your set up and get you going…
But 12 months down the line, 18 months later – what happens next?
Have you created a successful business?
Is it earning you a living?
What is success even?
Big questions and not necessarily lots of answers.
SO… my next step is now to work on this with you for the next 12 – 18 months, filling in the gap of where others are not. Using my coaching skills and expertise, knowledge of running my previous work and projects successfully from a business style approach and running my own companies successfully as they are today.
Taking the next step

Open the door to a successful business! Coaching will help you succeed
Taking a small start up business to the next step – a potential growth and growing business – to the size and scale you want it to be.
If you are happy to be a small very localised but profitable business in your local community then that is not an issue or a problem.
But if you have designs and desires to grow regionally, nationally or even internationally, that is where the taking your dreams to a new level comes in.
This for me is the next step for my business
The SLJ Facebook page now comes into its own. Over the coming weeks and months I will be working on bringing online and offline courses, seminars and workshops to assist people to do just that – take the next step to a successful business.
Why not come and join me and find out how you can reach for the stars and fulfil your dream in creating your business into the success you dreamt it to be!
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