New Year New You New Start – Goal Setting
Question I am going to start off with on our 3rd blog session in January 2014 – Do you set goals ? Do you write them down ? Today you are – WHY? because people who write down their goals are more likely to actually ACHIEVE their goals, targets, dreams, ambitions, desires – what ever you want to call them – writing them down is the starting point.
Over the last few blogs I focused on YOU – getting you ready and in the right frame of mind to – CHANGE – to make CHANGES – and be READY TO CHANGE.
Now we are focusing on GOAL SETTING – New Year, New You, New Start – is about making daily changes, putting in place good positive habits and SETTING GOALS.
Coaching or Mentoring for me is about this picture – I am your guide, your map reader to assist you in reading the road map that you need to set out, to guide you and show you what is possible for you – in your personal life, career, employability, weight, personal development and of course your business.
I will work with you to assist YOU to Determine WHAT you want and WHY you want it. I assist you to understand what is important, and what you need to do to achieve YOUR GOALS by GOAL SETTING.
this is where it gets exciting, interesting and challenging at times as well.
Now we begin to break down your Goals into steps, we design a plan , a plan of action and that is what I work with you on – this is where as your coach and mentor I do my job – working with you on transforming and making the transitions from having a dream into a reality.
This is the value of goal setting – making them Specific, Measurable, Attainable/Achievable, Relevant & Realistic but most important of all as well Time Bound.
This is now were YOU start to become SMART – and start taking the path or road map to achieving all your dreams and ambitions – in any or all avenues of your life.
Working with people – not clients or customers – but people – this is the most exciting part of my work – being with you and watching and working with you on your transformation and transition into achieving your goals.
Taking steps to make your goals happen is invaluable.
Make it happen today – take a pen or pencil, paper and start writing down what goals you want or what you want in your life, personal or business – why do you want them. What difference will it make to your life having them – write that down also, then write down what difference to you or your life is there in not having them – once you start thinking in this way you start to see changes – New Year New You New Start.
Now you need to start looking at it from this point of view and telling yourself – “I am going to achieve my goals, dreams and ambitions” and start with imagining or thinking that you have them already – what do you see, hear, feel – what does it look like for you – personal or business – if you had those goals already achieved, what difference would it make to your life.
Hold on to that image, hold onto those thoughts and now write down what you need to do to break the goal down further into steps – what steps do you need to take to get to that goal.
What blocks or barriers are there as obstacles that might stop you getting there – and then how are you going to over come them – what are you going to put in place to remove those blocks, barriers or obstacles.
See what you are doing! – slowly but surely you are setting out your ACTION PLAN in how to achieve your goals.
Most importantly of all – put dates to those actions, when are you going to start it and when are you going to do it – and of course when you need it finished or completed by – setting dates and even times to it – make it real – make them SMART.
Don`t use ambiguous words – give it all full details – the more details the better – an example = I want to lose weight – by end of year, well losing a kilo is still losing weight but you want to lost 10 kilos – so define it. I want to lose 10 kilos in weight and I want to lose 2 kilos each month, 1/2 kilo each week for the next 5 months or 20 weeks.
Another example: I want to make money – ok so you make £10 this week or this month – you still made money – or you can give it details :-
I want to change from having a 4 figure or 5 figure yearly salary and want to have a 6 figure yearly salary – ok so how you going to do that? My question would be next – what do you need to change or do to make that happen – do you need to learn new skills, better use of your money, your time, do you need to change jobs, do another job – what additional knowlege, skills, and abilities do you need to acquire to achieve your goal and how will you acquire them.
See whats happening here ! You are defining and refining your action plan – being specific – follow this and you will soon find that goals you have had become achievable.
Thats the coaching / mentor role to work with you on Goal Setting – Making an Action Plan to achieving those Goals – getting you to keep to the action points and ultimately working with you to get to where you want to go and achieving your goals.
So start now – get Goal Setting and enjoy your New Year, New You and New Start to 2014. Make it count.
Let’s Connect!